Episode 56: Dr Karen Evans (CSIRO)

Episode 56 of "Vibes Under The Sea", which airs tonight at 9.30pm (AEDT) on Print Radio Tasmania, features Craig's interview with CSIRO Principal Research Scientist and Team Leader of the Pelagic Predator Spatial Dynamics team, Dr Karen Evans.  Taking from Karen's CSIRO profile, she “is involved in research focused on improving scientific understanding of the state of marine ecosystems and delivering information that can help guide the sustainable management of marine species and ecosystems, particularly in relation to national and international fisheries and threatened, endangered and protected species”.  But Karen also wears many other hats, in key roles in national and international organisations; including as a Joint Coordinator of the United Nations World Ocean Assessment and is currently co-chair of the Biology and Ecosystems Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). You will hear Karen talk of all these things, including her research work across many species - Sperm Whales, Royal Penguins, Bigeye Tuna, Swordfish, and Southern Right Whales, and others! And she also provides some great advice for 'young ones' considering a career in marine science.


Episode 57: Emeritus Prof. Bob Lester (UQld)


Episode 55: Assessment of Tasmania's scalefish fishery and more…