We are a not-for-profit organisation.
Help us stay on air.
Print Radio Tasmania is an endorsed Deductible Gift Recipient with the ATO. All donations of $2 and over are tax-deductible in Australia.
Make a donation
Support the research, creation and development of new programming - $25
Help develop training programs for our volunteers to be up-to-date with new broadcasting technologies - $50
Help make us resilient for the future. Support the station to invest in new digital technologies and keep all of its programs on-air - $100
or, donate what you can - $$$
Alternatively, you can deposit directly by EFT into our bank account below:
BSB: 633000
Account: 123543142
Bank: Bendigo Bank
Account name: Print Radio Tasmania Inc.
If you’d like an acknowledgement or receipt for tax purposes please send us an email or drop us a line so we know.