What we do
On Air 24/7
We are ‘on air’ 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing listeners with a diverse range of programs and information from various publications which they otherwise might not be able to access or read.
Programs presented on Print Radio Tasmania are sourced:
Live from the studios of Print Radio Tasmania and recordings of our Volunteers,
Other Radio Reading Service stations on the mainland, (headed by our peak body Disability Media Australia), and
Community Radio Network stations throughout the length and breadth of Australia
Live readings at 10am of the weekday daily local news, from the Mercury, Examiner and Advocate. A recording of which, is later broadcast at 7pm. We also read articles of national news from the independent news outlet, Guardian Australia, daily on weekdays at 1pm.
Readings from various magazines on a variety of subject matter from the Arts to the Sciences, with a little gossip thrown in for good measure. Programs to listen out for include Tasmanian Country, Australian Womens’ Weekly, Arts in Focus, Money, Geographica, Travelling and many more.
Community information that affects our health and wellbeing through programs such as Diabetes Dialogue, Talking Point, Opinions Tasmania, Good Gardening, Talking Vision, Hear This, New Horizon, and Health Smart.
Our premier time slot of Noon to 1pm for book readings, which, if you are too busy, can again be heard at 10pm to 11pm. This is very much a favourite with our audience, and what is more we are always open to suggestions as to what you would like us to read to you.
Programs centred on a variety of themes and musical genre, many ideally suited to the late owls listening pleasure. Print Radio Tasmania also broadcasts programs from the Community Radio Network and BBC World Service, check out our program guide for more information.
Purchased for your listening pleasure from stations affiliated to the Community Radio Network
and many more