Episode 76: Tagged sawfish providing new insights...and more.

In lieu of an interview guest, for this episode Craig reads five recently published articles with aquatic flavours. The first article highlights new, tag-based research which is helping researchers better understand the movement and survival of sawfish released from fishing gear (from CSIRO website). The topics of articles that follow include: The first recorded sightings of humpback whales in Antarctica’s Western Weddell Sea (from IMAS website); Why slime (biofilms) in freshwater aquatic systems are vitally important (from CSIRO website); How the seaweed Sargassum could reduce the severity of climate change by storing carbon in tropical seascapes (from AIMS website); and, How a spate of killer whale attacks caused South Africa’s great white sharks to move to new areas (from Hakai Magazine).


Episode 77: Dr Scott Condie (CSIRO)


Episode 75: Dr Andrew Marshall (UniSQ and BoM)