Episode 13: Dr Scott Bennett (IMAS)

This episode features an interview with Dr Scott Bennett.  Scott is a marine ecologist and an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow with the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania; DECRA being “Discovery Early Career Researcher Award”. His research focuses on how the ecological structure and function of marine ecosystems change across broad environmental gradients and in response to climate change. You will hear Scott relate his interesting path from a BSc Honours project on the Great Barrier Reef, to a PhD in Western Australia, followed by a Marie Curie Fellowship in Spain. He also talks with passion about "The Great Southern Reef", the interconnected temperate reef system, dominated by kelp forests that spans over 8000 kms of coastline across the southern half of Australia.


Episode 14: Dr Fiona Scott (IMAS/AAD/CSIRO)


Episode 12: Olivia Dove (IMAS)